Deep Tissue Massage

And Myofacial Release


During a relaxation massage you may require more focus work on a specific muscle(s) where there is a noticeable tightness or tension. This maybe a result from poor posture when working, studying or over-working a muscle group at the gym or sport. This could cause muscle or connective tissue tension discomfort for you.

With your permission, using deep tissue massage techniques can be useful to connect with your tight muscles to help to release tension.

Myofacial Release (MFR)

Myo means muscle and fascia is connective tissue that’s all around our body. Having restrictions within your connective tissues can result in a specific muscle(s) not being able to function as easily. MFR is done without massage wax / oil and the aim is to stimulate the nerves in your tissue to release the muscle so that more blood flow which brings with it O2 and nutrients can circulate in the area. This helps to improve the muscles flexibility and mobility.  I’ve experienced MFR and it feels amazing when done prior to a relaxation massage.


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lena is looking forward to meeting you soon!